XIII. Voter registration


Note: The voter registration deadline is 21 days before any election.

The National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) of 1993 requires agencies which provide public assistance or state-funded services to persons with disabilities to also provide voter registration opportunities. All Department of Human Services (DHS) programs are required to comply with NVRA requirements as well as partner agencies such as Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA.

  • All voter registration agencies are required to incorporate voter registration into their core services;
  • Voter registration is the responsibility of all staff and volunteers who screen for or determine eligibility or process or accept address changes;
  • DHS and AAA staff are required to assist any person who asks for help with completing voter registration forms.

AAA and DHS are responsible for implementing NVRA by providing opportunities to register to vote, placing cards into the hands of consumers and applicants who may be interested in registering to vote or updating their registration, and sending voter registration cards to the Elections office.

  • Staff are required to offer the same level of voter registration service to everyone, even if the person is already registered.

Citizens have the right to sue the agency if voter registration is NOT offered to them, as specified. Failure to comply may also open the agency to federal or state audits and litigation.

A. Procedures

1.    When to offer voter registration

Who can complete a voter registration card: Effective January 1, 2018, the minimum age to register to vote in Oregon is 16; voting age remains 18. However, every person who wishes can attempt to register to vote, regardless of their age or perceived eligibility.

Every person, without exception, has the right to attempt to register to vote.

  • Workers should not speculate or guess about either the person’s eligibility or likelihood of successfully registering to vote; everyone is treated equally and given the same opportunities;
  • Every person, including those who present as underage or otherwise perceived as ineligible, has the right to request and complete a voter registration form;
  • DHS/AAA is not an eligibility agency; State or county elections staff will make the determination regarding the applicant's eligibility to register or to vote;
  • Staff must not make any statements or take any action which may discourage any person from registering or attempting to register to vote;
  • Oregonians with felony convictions have their voting rights automatically restored upon release from custody.

Persons who are offered an opportunity to register to vote should not feel pressured to register, or to register with a particular political party.

  • Employees who offer consumers or applicants an opportunity to register to vote may not display or distribute anything suggesting a political party, a candidate preference, or a party allegiance.
  • Please review the National Voter Registration Act NVRA Agency Manual from the Oregon Secretary of State.

Voter registration requirements apply to all consumers and applicants aged 16 or older with a legal status who have a qualifying event. Qualifying events are:

  • Applying for a new benefit, even if the applicant withdraws the request/application;

o    NOTE: Staff do not have to offer voter registration for SSI OSIPM only yearly desk audit or Medicare Savings Program (MSP) reviews without an application or SNAP if they do not see or speak to the consumer;

  • Reapplying for any ongoing benefit;
  • Redetermining or recertifying for any benefit program – including a request for a service reassessment in the middle of a certification;
  • Changing their mailing address (where the ballot goes); or
  • Changing their residence address (what they vote on);

    • NOTE: Persons who are homeless and have no fixed mailing address should be asked to provide the location where they stay most often. This can be a mission, shelter, park, neighborhood area, off-ramp, or similar site.

The opportunity to register to vote must be given regardless of the method of contact by the consumer or applicant and are not limited to only in-person contact.

Staff is required to verbalize the voter registration question while processing the qualifying event, even if the consumer had an opportunity to answer the questions of voter registration on a form and ignored it. Legal action in other states have demonstrated that not asking the question verbally when there is an opportunity to do so may lead to a lawsuit.

    • NOTE: If the consumer leaves the voter registration question bland and the worker is speaking to that person about their form or application, the worker is required to verbalize the question and ask for a response, mark their choice on the form and narrate.

The consumer or applicant can continue to choose not to answer after the question has been verbalized. In those instances, leave the question blank on the form and treat it like a No response.

  • Sign language, TTY, interpreters, and other methods of communication are considered verbalization for the purposes of voter registration.
  • Example: Cathy comes into the office to report a change in address and is given an APD 400Address Change to complete. The worker who accepts the change of address notices Cathy did not check a box for voter registration and is required to ask Cathy if she also wants a voter registration form.

Staff must offer voter registration each time the consumer or applicant meets the criteria of applying, reapplying, or changing their address regardless of how long or short a time has passed since the person was last asked. Staff are only required to ask once per qualifying event.

  • Example 1: Emily stops by the office on Tuesday to give her worker a new address with her daughter. On Monday, Emily comes in again and says her daughter’s house didn’t work out and she is moving in with her son. Because Emily’s reported address changed with each move, she must be asked about voter registration each time.
  • Example 2: Sarah is an in-home service consumer who had her assessment completed in March. At the time of the assessment, the worker asked Sarah about voter registration and Sarah declined. At the end of May, Sarah contacts her worker and reports her situation has changes and she needs more services. This is a request for benefits, so Sarah’s worker must offer voter registration again.
  • Example 3: Lloyd applied for SNAP benefits and was pended for verification of income. When he returns with his income, Lloyd asks if he can also apply for Medicaid. The worker had not completed the application process for SNAP making Lloyd’s request part of the same application. Consumers only need to be asked once per qualifying event.

Authorized representatives, guardians, family members, or other persons designated to speak on behalf of a consumer or applicant cannot request or decline to register a person to vote. See F. Special Situations, 5. Authorized representative and third parties;

Only one person in the household must be asked about voter registration but all household members may be asked.

  • If there are multiple persons on the application as potential recipients, but only one person is present at the interview, only the person present must be asked if they would like to register to vote;
  • All household members or beneficiaries may be asked if they are available or present;
  • Do not limit the number of persons given the opportunity to register to vote.
    • If there are not enough voter registration cards available for everyone, please let the requestor know where they can get one AND offer to mail a card to the consumer's home.

2.    Assisting potential registrants

Staff is required to offer assistance with completing the voter registration cards, if requested.

Staff are requested to review forms for completeness before mailing to local County Elections. When possible, request the consumer complete the form entirely and offer assistance as needed.

  • If the form is not complete and the potential registrant is not available, send the incomplete form to the local County Election office for processing.

Per NVRA guidance, staff must ask the same question of every person when providing voter registration opportunities:

  • The legal question is: If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to register to vote here today?
  • Staff must ask everyone the same question but have leeway to use their own language. They should communicate we can assist with voter registration if the consumer or applicant wants to participate.

3.    Acting on the consumer response

  • Note: Workers should never narrate N/A when describing the response from a consumer or applicant because voter registration is always applicable.

Staff will take the following actions based on the consumer or applicant’s response to the voter registration question:

Consumer or applicant responds Yes:

  • If the consumer or applicant says or checks Yes, they do want a voter registration card for any reason, the worker will:
    • Narrate Voter Reg: Yes in Oregon ACCESS. Do not explain why the consumer wants the voter registration card;
    • Hand or mail an SEL 503Voter Registration Card with Declination, with the declination removed to the consumer (see Declinations below);
    • Complete a declination marked Yes (see Declinations below).

If the consumer or applicant has completed an approved DHS form such as an application for benefits or an address change form, mark the box by the voter registration question Yes.

Consumer or applicant responds No:

  • If the consumer or applicant says or checks No they do not want a voter registration card for any reason, the worker will;
    • Narrate Voter Reg: No in Oregon ACCESS. Do not explain why the consumer does not the voter registration card;
    • Complete a declination marked No (see Declinations below);
    • If the consumer or applicant refuses to answer the question, the worker should narrate Voter registration: No;
  • If the consumer or applicant has completed an approved DHS form, such as an application for benefits or an address change form, mark the box by the voter registration question No.

Consumer or applicant does not respond in writing:

  • If the consumer or applicant does not mark any box on a form, AND the worker is not speaking with the consumer or applicant, the worker will:
    • Mail an SEL 503Voter Registration Card with Declination, with the declination removed to the consumer (see Declinations below);
    • Narrate Voter Reg: Yes in Oregon ACCESS;
    • Complete a declination marked Yes (see Declinations below).

4.    Phone interview

If the consumer or applicant has an eligibility interview over the telephone, the question of voter registration must be asked during the interview and the question marked.

Narrate the response to voter registration before mailing the application for a signature. If the consumer’s response is not narrated and the application is not returned, there is no record voter registration was offered.

  • If the interviewer does not mark the voter registration question, does not narrate the response, and the application is returned with the question still blank, the worker is required to mail an SEL 503 with the declination removed.
    • Narrate Voter Reg: Yes in Oregon ACCESS;
    • Complete a declination marked Yes (see Declinations below).

If the consumer response to voter registration was narrated and not marked on the application, staff can mark the response on the signed application. Voter registration laws treat the declination question on any DHS form as a separate form which can be completed at any time.

5.    Case manager specific

Only the potential voter may answer the question of voter registration; a third-party may not be asked at eligibility regardless of what the legal or familial relationship is to the consumer. Section F. Special situations

When the eligibility interview is completed by a third-party, such as an authorized representative or guardian, and the case manager plans to go to the consumer’s residence to complete an assessment, the voter registration question must be asked at the time of assessment.

There is NO EXCEPTION for not asking any person with a legal residence status about voter registration. For persons who are unable to respond, or to respond appropriately, please see Section F. Special situations 1. Persons with cognition issues.

Please be prepared with additional SEL 503 voter registration cards when in a consumer’s home for any additional persons present who are also interested in completing a form but are not part of the case.

  • If someone who is not a beneficiary, such as a caregiver or family member, requests a voter registration card, they are given the SEL 503 agency use form;
    • Remove the declination and mark it Yes;
    • Process the declination for the non-beneficiary the same as you do for the beneficiary but do not narrate for the non-beneficiary.

B. Declinations

  • Note: A declination must be completed for every person with a qualifying event, regardless of their response, even if they withdraw their request.

A declination's purpose is to indicate and track if the potential voter wants or does not want a voter registration card for any reason. Marking the card and narrating is only a reflection of the consumer response.

Every person who is offered the opportunity to register to vote must have a completed declination on either the declination form, SEL 503DVoter Registration Declination or other approved DHS form.

The perforated tear-off portion of the agency use voter registration form is considered an SEL 503D and is interchangeable with the separate SEL 503D and the DHS approved forms with the voter registration question printed on it.

For voter registration, the term declination covers all consumer or applicant responses to the question of voter registration, including when the person says Yes.

  • Consumers or applicants who state they are registered to vote in the state of Oregon are treated as a No declination;
  • Date stamp all declinations on the same date they are received;
  • Date stamps used for voter registration must not include the office, county, or agency name.

Narrate all responses to the question of voter registration immediately.

  • If the AAA and APD offices mail forms such as a 539A for signature, which include the voter registration question/declination, the form is not returned, and the narration is not completed, there is no proof the question was asked, as required by the Act.

Staff can complete the declination form on behalf of the consumer or applicant.

  • Print the consumer or applicant name or Prime Number on the signature line or in the comments box;
  • Staff are not required to add their name/initials/load code to the declination if they complete it – all that information is on the narration.

Declinations are marked Yes when the consumer or applicant wants the voter registration card for any reason and No if they refuse it for any reason.

  • The Agency does not care why the consumer or applicant says they want or do not want the voter registration card;
  • DHS/AAA does not determine eligibility for voter registration, so the Yes or No response on the declination is unrelated to the potential registrants perceived eligibility;
    • NOTESince staff are required to offer voter registration at every qualifying event, the Yes or No response on the declination is unrelated to if voter registration was offered becauseit is always offered.

1.    DHS forms as declinations

All DHS applications, and many other approved DHS forms, include the federally required voter registration question: If you are not registered to vote where you live now, would you like to register today?

Applications and other reporting forms with the federally required voter registration question have the same function as the separate declination form, SEL 503DVoter Registration Declination.

If the consumer has signed and completed an application, no additional declination form is needed.

If someone else assisted the consumer with completing the voter registration because the consumer was unable to physically complete the form, it is considered the consumer has completed the form.

  • Consumers and applicants who completed a voter registration form or a declination during their last point of contact with the agency must be asked about voter registration again and be given a new form to complete.
    • The amount of time between qualifying events (new benefits, renewed benefits, or address changes) does not affect the requirement to offer voter registration;
  • The application page with the voter registration question and response should not be stored separately from the rest of the application; leave it in the consumer file to be scanned into EDMS;
    • Do not copy and file the application page with the voter registration question with other declinations.

2.    Declination section of SEL 503

Remove the declination section of the SEL 503, Voter Registration Card with Declination prior to handing or mailing the voter registration form to a consumer or applicant.

Either ask the consumer to complete the voter registration declination portion or print their name (or Prime Number) and the date on the declination form and mark the correct box.

  • The tear-off section is the same form as the separate SEL 503D, just in a vertical format;
  • Consumers or applicants who have requested a voter registration card for any reason are considered a Yes response.

Note: Any part of the SEL 503 not used must be discarded. To reduce waste and cost, staff may use the SEL 503DVoter Registration Declination Card when a consumer or applicant indicates they do not want to register to vote, instead of the SEL 503.

  • The Yes declination form is kept with the No declination forms for 24 months;
  • Complete an SEL 503D declination when an application or reporting form with the federally required voter registration questions has not been used.

3.    Declination retention

Do not keep or make copies of completed voter registration cards or declinations in the consumer file.

All SEL 503D, Oregon Voter Declinations, forms must be kept in a centrally located file for no less than 24 months.

  • Keep all paper declinations in a single file which could be handed to an auditor or reviewer if they asked for it;
  • Keep all electronic declinations in a single secured drive folder which could be copied onto a storage device (such as a flash drive/memory stick) and be handed to an auditor or reviewer if they asked for it;
  • Paper declinations may be scanned and saved with the electronic forms. Shred the paper copy after scanning;
    • If the office scans all paper declinations at the end of the month, or the end of the week, please arrange them in date order and save with the date range: Aug1-Aug31, or Aug17-Aug21;
  • Declinations included on a DHS form, such as on the APD application, should not be copied and saved in the declination file;
    • DHS forms with the voter registration question are kept in the consumer file.

The local area site coordinator is responsible for making sure declination forms are secured and available if needed for audit purposes.

Offices can choose to complete the electronic SEL 503 form and save it in a secured shared drive on the local server.

  • The shared drive location must be accessible by all staff members;
    • Name folders with the year first: 2017_Jan; 2017_Apr;
  • Save declinations in a standard format such as: DDMM_FirstInitialLast Name (0101_arichardson) or FirstInitialLastName_MonthDay; (arichardson_aug26).

C. Change of address

Every person who reports a change to either their physical or mailing address must be asked about voter registration at the time of the report.

The physical address indicates which measures and candidates a person can vote on and the mailing address indicates where materials, including a ballot, goes so staff are required to act on both.

NOTE: Persons who are homeless and have no fixed mailing address should be asked to provide the location where they stay most often. This can be a mission, shelter, park, neighborhood area, off-ramp, or similar site.

By telephone:

Workers who receive change of address reports over the telephone must ask about voter registration if the consumer is on the phone at the time the change is reported.

  • If the change is reported by a third-party, such as the person’s child or authorized representative, there is no need to act on voter registration.

The staff person answering calls to the office, such as support staff or receptionists, who receives the message about the change of address has the responsibility to ask about voter registration if they can communicate with the caller.

o    Another staff person may complete narration if this is part of the local branch process.

Workers who receive change of address information via a telephone message and do not speak directly with the consumer about the change of address will mail an SEL 503 with the declination removed and marked Yes and narrate Voter Reg: Yes. Staff are not required to make a return call to ask only about voter registration.

  • Example 1Dina calls the local office and says she would like to speak to her worker. Dina doesn’t want to talk with the receptionist, so the call is transferred. Dina leaves a message saying she has moved across town and leaves her new address in the message. When the worker picks up the message later in the day there is no need to call Dina back, so instead they mail a 503, mark the declination Yes, and add Voter Reg: Yes to the change of address narration.
  • Example 2Stan calls the local office and says “I would like to speak with my worker. I have moved.” The front desk person, before transferring the call, must ask about voter registration because Stan stated he has a change of address.
  • Example 3Sofia calls the local office to speak with her worker. Sofia’s English is limited and the staff person who answered does not speak Sofia’s language. Sofia asks for her worker and, instead of keeping her on the line while an interpreter is found to determine if Sofia has an address change, the call is transferred to the worker who is responsible to act on voter registration. (see Worker Guide A)
  • Example 4: Lewis calls his worker’s direct line and leaves a message he has a new address but does not leave the address. The worker calls Lewis back to discuss his change of address and is required to ask Lewis about voter registration during the call.

By email:

All consumers or applicants who contact a DHS/AAA office via email to apply for benefits, reapply for benefits, or change their address must be sent the DHS tracked link to the Secretary of State’s voter registration website: https://secure.sos.state.or.us/orestar/vr/register.do?source=DHS.

  • Narrate Voter Reg: Yes in Oregon ACCESS;
  • Complete a declination marked Yes for every person who receives the voter registration internet link.

In person:

Consumers who change their address in person will be asked about voter registration.

  • SEL 503 with the declination marked Yes and removed;
  • Narrate Voter Reg: Yes in Oregon ACCESS.
  • Consumers who say No to voter registration will either complete an SEL 503D or have one completed for them by the staff person and marked No;
  • Narrate Voter Reg: No in Oregon ACCESS.

By mail:

Consumers who report a change of address by dropping a note in the drop box or by mailing in the change of address information, and who have no contact with a staff person, are not required to be asked about voter registration unless a staff person contacts them specifically about their address change, but are required to have SEL 503 mailed to them.

·         Example 1Darren moves from 3rd Street to 7th Street and sent a postcard to the office to tell his worker. The worker updates Darren’s address on the system, mails a 503, marks the declination Yes, and adds Voter Reg: Yes to the change of address narration.

·         Example 2: Gloria mails her worker a note with her new address and says she has moved to a new town. The worker updates Gloria’s address and preps the case for transfer. In the process of transferring, the worker calls Gloria to let her know her case will be at another office. The worker must ask about voter registration because she is calling the consumer for a reason related to the change of address.

·         Example 3Carlos mails his worker a note saying he has moved to a new apartment in the same building. The worker updates Carlos’ address on the system and remembers she needs to call Carlos about the electric fan he wanted. While on the phone, the worker does not have to ask about voter registration. The call is triggered by a change of address report but is not about Carlos’ change of address, so it is outside of voter registration requirements. The worker can choose to ask about voter registration or can opt to mail an SEL 503 instead of asking.

At the front desk:

Consumers who change their address by coming to the office and who speak with a staff person must be asked about voter registration and have a completed SEL 503D, or other agency form with the voter registration question included.

  • Don’t forget to narrate their response;
  • When appropriate, ask consumers to complete the DHS 943 Change Report or SDS 400Change of Address. The change of address form includes the federally required voter registration language and functions as a declination;

o    Remember to look at the consumer’s response on the form and hand them an SEL 503 with the declination removed if they mark Yes.

During an interview or appointment:

Only the person who receives the benefit may be asked about voter registration. If the eligibility interview is not with the beneficiary, do not ask about voter registration.

Consumers who report a change of address during an eligibility interview should be asked once about voter registration during their eligibility process, whether in-person or by phone.

  • If the consumer or applicant has completed a form, such as the SDS 539A, as part of their eligibility determination, the worker should make sure the question has been answered on the form.

Consumers who report a change of address during an appointment not related to eligibility must be asked about voter registration by the person who is told about the change.

If the consumer completed the entire application and left the voter registration question blank, the staff person must verbally ask the question.

EBT replacement line:

Staff on the EBT replacement line are not asking about voter registration. When the email with the address change is received in the office, send an SEL 503 with the declination removed and marked Yes and narrate Voter Reg: Yes.

Email notification from the EBT replacement line which do not have a change of address included do not need ot have a voter registration form mailed.

Post Office address change stickers:

Change of address stickers form the Post Office do not trigger a qualifying event for voter registration. The Post office is acting as a third-party in this case and staff are not required to act on address changes from thirdparties.

Out of state:

Consumers who report they are moving out of state will be asked about voter registration in their new state. Oregon workers cannot assist with another state’s registration and have no obligation to try.

D. Registration forms

NOTEOrder voter registration forms, envelopes, and posters through the FBOS system. Do not contact the Secretary of State, County Elections, or Central Office to order forms.

Voter registration forms are available in English and Spanish only; DHS does not own the registration form and is not allowed to translate to any other language.

  • Staff are encouraged to offer consumers the MSC 585Oregon Secretary of State (SOS) Elections Division Contact Information if they need a voter registration form in another language to let the SOS know.

Display the voter registration poster SEL 503P Register and Vote in the lobby area of all DHS/AAA branch offices; the poster is available in English and Spanish through the forms ordering system. Offices are encouraged, but not required, to hang the Spanish language version.

Review all forms for completeness and legibility and advise the potential registrant if they have missed any sections. Consumers may choose not to complete the voter registration form, and have it submitted partially completed.

Never throw away or destroy partially completed voter registration forms. Send in all voter registration forms with any part of the potential registrant’s information.

  • If the registrant does not have either an Oregon driver’s license, permit, or ID number, or a Social Security number (question 4 on the SEL 503), make a copy of the identification they are using and attach it to the registration form.
    • Workers should use originals of all voter registration forms and avoid copied or printed versions, except the SEL 503DOregon Voter Registration Declination which may be copied instead of ordered.

There are two different voter registration cards with DIFFERENT uses required to be available in all field offices. The two forms are NOT interchangeable.

NOTE: Offices can use older versions of registration forms as long as the questions on the older forms match the current version shown on the Secretary of State Elections website.

1.    SEL 500, Oregon Voter Registration Card

Staff may not mail or hand out the SEL 500 FOR ANY REASON. This is a public use form and staff are never the “public” while at work.

The SEL 500 public or lobby form has an adhesive strip on one side to form a self-sealing envelope and is intended for use by the public only.

  • Always maintain a supply of the SEL 500 in the lobb;
  • SEL 500 is for use by persons who are not DHS or AAA consumers or applicants;
  • The SEL 500 is available in English and Spanish;
  • DHS/AAA staff is not required to track the SEL 500;
  • If a consumer or applicant completes the SEL 500 lobby form while waiting in the lobby, staff will accept the form and complete a separate declination card.

If the consumer or applicant hands in an SEL 500 they picked up on their own and requests it be mailed for them, staff may accept it, count it in the weekly tally, and send it in to County Elections with any other forms.

2.    SEL 503, Oregon Voter Registration Card with declination

The SEL 503 is the only voter registration form staff can mail or hand to consumers or applications. This is the agency use form and staff are always acting as the "agency" when at work.

  • Never put the SEL 503 forms in the lobby.

The SEL 503, or agency form, has perforated a tear-off section, which is the declination, on the right side. This is the voter registration form staff must use in all circumstances not requiring large print format.

The declination portion of the SEL 503 must be retained by the office; never mail or leave the declination portion anywhere.

  • The SEL 503 is given to consumers and applicants by DHS and AAA staff when a consumer or applicant indicates Yes for voter registration;
  • SEL 503 forms submitted to the County Elections office must be tracked by the local office site coordinator and reported by the Site Coordinator to the Secretary of State on the web-based SEL 504 – see below;
  • If the person chooses to take the SEL 503 home to complete and return it at a later date, mark the declination section as though the consumer said Yes to voter registration;
  • Before the consumer takes the SEL 503 out of the office, remove the declination portion, mark it with a Yes, and ask the consumer or applicant to sign the bottom. Never send the declination home with the consumer;
    • Any SEL 503 forms which are returned at a later date should be included in the regular mailing and weekly tally for the week in which they are received;
    • Any staff person can complete the declination for the consumer if they do not want to do it themselves.

3.    SEL 500LP

Consumers or applicants who need a voter registration form in a large print format may be mailed or given the SEL 500LP which is printed on 11x17 paper with fold lines to fit it into a half sheet manila envelope.

Due to its very large size, a declination cannot be attached to the SEL 500LP, so staff should always remember to complete a separate declination form when mailing or handing out the large print registration form.

o    The 500LP is treated exactly the same as the 503 agency form;

o    Any 500LP received by the office will be mailed and counted in the weekly tally.

Staff may want to consider sharing an order of large print forms across an entire district since this form has not been used at a high volume in the past.

E. Local site coordinators

Each field office is required to have a local office Site Coordinator for voter registration listed with the State Elections Office and the AAA/APD agency coordinator. Offices may have as many back-up coordinators as they choose.

  • The AAA/APD agency coordinator is Karen Kaino: karen.l.kaino@state.or.us, 503-569-7034;
  • If there is a change in the local site coordinator an SEL 504C, NVRA Site Coordinator Change Form must be completed via the Oregon Secretary of State website by the outgoing coordinator within ten (10) days of the change.

Local area Site Coordinators are responsible for:

  • Maintaining knowledge of the NVRA procedures specific to the agency and office;
  • Acting as a local expert for local staff;
  • Monitoring the NVRA activity in the office to make sure all parts of the NVRA requirements are being met;
  • Sharing any changes or updates to NVRA procedures, as directed;
  • Making sure the office does not run out of NVRA forms by monitoring usage and working with the local office forms ordering person to get more before there is a crisis;
  • Mailing completed voter registration cards to the local County Elections office;
  • Reporting the number of completed card to the Secretary of State via the website;
  • Securely storing declination forms for 24 months. Maintain a flash drive/data stick or other storage solution with the declination files in a secure or locked location as a backup to the shared drive folder;
  • Reporting any issues at the local office;
  • Notifying the Secretary of State when the local site coordinator changes.

1.    Local expert

Site coordinators must be familiar with the AAA/APD Voter Registration manual and how to both navigate and search the manual for information. If there is an error or discrepancy in the manual contact the agency coordinator, Karen Kaino, immediately for clarification or correction.

Local coordinators are an extension of the federal NVRA process and as such need to stay current with any new information provided either by the Secretary of State Elections Office or the agency coordinator. New information must be shared with the local staff; coordinators should work with local leadership to determine how this will occur.

Additionally, local site coordinators are expected to know how NVRA is carried out in their office and be able to answer questions as needed. If the local process does not meet the requirements of NVRA, the local coordinators should work with local leadership to correct the deficiency. The AAA/APD agency coordinator is available to answer questions and give advice as needed.

2.    Mailing completed cards

The local site coordinator must mail or take completed SEL 503 forms to the local County Elections office in the county where the office is located within five (5) calendar days of receipt, in the SEL 516 envelopes.

  • All days count – including days when the office is closed;
  • A voter registration card is considered complete when it is received in the office – not when it is mailed to or signed by the consumer;
  • The NVRA requires the completed cards be placed in the SEL 516 envelope regardless of how the cards are sent to the Country Elections office;
  • Late filing of the completed registration cards may result in monetary penalties (fines) for the local office responsible.

The NVRA requires completed voter registration cards be placed in the SEL 516 envelope regardless of how the cards are given or sent to the Country Elections office. The requirement to use the special envelope is part of the NVRA.

If the office runs out of the SEL 516 envelopes, first ask another office in your local service district to send some while the order for more is being processed;

·         NOTE: Affix correct postage on the SEL 516 envelope.

The SEL 516 envelope with the completed voter registration cards must receive a post mark within five (5) calendar days of the earliest date on the voter registration forms in the envelope.

Forms with post marks of a later date will be processed, but the office will be out of compliance with the program requirements.

  • Voter registration forms received for another area or county should be sent to the local office’s county elections office who will redirect the forms as needed;
  • NOTE: The registration deadline is 21 days before any election. If voter registration forms are not postmarked by the end of day 21 prior to the election, the registrant is not allowed to participate in the upcoming election.

All voter registration forms must be date stamped on the same they are completed.

  • The date stamp cannot include an agency or division name; the stamp must display the date only;
  • Add the date stamp to the right of the bar code;
  • If the form is not complete and the registrant is not available, send the incomplete form to the County Election office for processing;

If the registrant does not have an Oregon driver’s license, permit, or ID number, or a Social Security number (question 4 on the registration form), make a copy of the identification they are using and attach it to the registration form;

  • Do not accept out of state identification;
  • Options for identification are listed on the voter registration form, SEL 503, Voter Registration Card with Declination.
  • Reminder: The Election office will determine if the registrant is eligible; staff is not allowed to offer opinions about potential eligibility.

3.    Reporting on the SEL 504

The Site Coordinator tracks the number of completed SEL 503 voter registration forms sent to the County Elections office for the previous seven (7) days on the SEL 504Agency Voter Registration Reporting Form located on the Secretary of State website.

  • If no registration forms were sent to the county elections office during the previous seven (7) days, complete the SEL 504 indicating a 0 (zero) tally for the week;
  • The SEL 504 must be completed and submitted to the State Elections Division no less than once every seven calendar days via the Submit button at the bottom of the page;
  • Use only the Secretary of State Agency ID number on the SEL 504 – not the branch number (click here to view the agency ID # list).

If a consumer takes the voter registration form out of the office to complete later, staff has no responsibility to track the voter registration form. Remove the declination portion before the consumer leaves, mark the declination Yes print the consumer’s name, and file the declination portion.

Do not report the voter registration forms taken out of the office in the weekly total, unless the consumer completes and returns it later.

If the site coordinator forgets to submit the report but has the weekly numbers, please submit the total cards submitted on the form one week at a time by changing the Today’s Date field on the form. Submitting the local totals by the week instead by batch will give a more accurate report at the end of the quarter/year.

F. Special situations

1.    Persons with cognition issues

All consumers or applicants must be asked if they want to register to vote regardless of their physical, cognitive, or mental health situation; staff are not allowed to “screen out” anyone.

If the consumer can respond to the question of voter registration, or to respond appropriately, they must be asked about voter registration.

Authorized representatives, guardians, caregivers, or other persons on the consumer’s care team are not allowed to answer the question on voter registration on behalf of the potential registrant.

Assist the consumer with completing the voter registration form if needed then process the form and declination as usual and narrate appropriately;

  • Only the potential voter can say Yes or No to voter registration;
  • Only the potential voter can sign the voter registration card – see below.

NOTE: Persons who are not able to respond are not exempt from voter registration. See guidance below.

On the date of contact/interview if

  • The person can/does answer questions about their current location and care needs appropriately, they must be asked about voter registrations;
  • The person does not know their current location or care needs or cannot respond appropriately they should not to be asked about voter registration on that date;
    • Complete an SEL 503D marked No and the worker will narrate Voter Reg: No. Do not explain anything about the consumer’s situation or cognition as part of voter registration (CA/PS has an explanation of their situation);
  • The person cannot respond at all, they should not to be asked about voter registration on that date.
    • Complete an SEL 503D marked No and the worker will narrate Voter Reg: No; do not explain anything about the consumer’s situation or cognition as part of voter registration (CA/PS has an explanation of their situation);
  • The person has previously been unable to answer appropriately but can answer appropriately on the date of the interview/assessment, they must be asked about voter registration.
    • Assist the consumer with completing the voter registration form, if needed, then process the form and declination as usual and narrate appropriately

The person initially could answer appropriately but cannot as the interview proceeds and the question of voter registration has not been asked during the time when they were answering appropriate, the worker should make a judgment call knowing the default is to offer. 

Each qualifying event for voter registration must be looked at as a separate and new opportunity to register to vote when it occurs at different times. Do not assume the consumer is still unable to answer the question of voter registration or is not interested.

  • Example 1: Howard’s yearly assessment is today. When the worker arrives, Howard is does not know who the worker is or why the worker is visiting. When asked how he is doing, Howard becomes agitated and cannot complete the interview himself. The worker marks the declination No and narrates Voter Reg: No;
  • Example 2: Elaine has not responded to her surroundings for over three years. At recert, Elaine’s worker verifies she had no changes in her ability to respond to questions then completes the voter registration declination No and narrates Voter Reg: No.
  • Example 3: Ron’s worker sees him today for his assessment. During the last two assessments Ron did not understand where he was and was unable to explain his care requirements. Today when his worker visits, Ron describes his morning routine and how much help he needs to get out of bed and ready each day. The worker is required to ask Ron if he wants to register to vote.

2.    Persons who are unable write

If a person either is not able to write or did not learn to write and wants to register to vote, assist them by completing the card on their behalf and ask them to make whatever their mark is/will be on the signature line of the SEL 503. Let the person know to expect additional communication from the Elections office to confirm their mark.

If the person cannot make a mark of any kind, complete the voter registration card on their behalf and mail the card to County Election. The Elections office will work with the voter registration applicant to find a solution.

If the person can write, but their signature has changed dramatically due to an accident or illness, and they tell you it has, let them know to expect additional communication from the Elections office to confirm their new signature.

3.    Signature stamps

Persons who are unable to write or sign their name due to a disability can use a signature stamp to register to vote or to update their voter registration with SEL 540 Signature Stamp Attestation.

A signature stamp is documented on the SEL 540 which is submitted at the same time as the SEL 503. The SEL 540 is not counted on the weekly tally.

  • If the person chooses not to complete a registration form or they are already registered and are now using a signature stamp, the SEL 540 can be sent in alone at any time.

Staff is not required to ask if the consumer or applicant has a signature stamp. If the person uses one or otherwise indicates they have one, the staff member is required to offer the SEL 540.

Print the SEL 540 from the DHS forms server as needed; it is not necessary to have a supply of these forms in the office.

4.    24B renewals for SNAP

The 12-month action on the SNAP case is unique – it is not a renewal and it is not request for more benefits. Because the 24B is a check-in and not actually a request for benefits, it does not automatically trigger a qualifying voter registration event

If the 12-month 24B renewal includes a change of address or adds a new HH member to the filing group (which is a new request for benefits) the worker would have to act on voter registration because those things trigger a voter registration event regardless of the situation, timing, or benefit type.

  • If the worker will have telephone contact with the consumer, ask about voter registration at the time of the telephone call;
  • If the worker is contacting the consumer by mail regarding their 24B notice, include the SEL 503 with the mailing. Mark the declination Yes and narrate Voter Reg: Yes;
  • If the worker will not have contact by phone or mail and there is a new address or household member, mail the SEL 503, mark the declination Yes, and narrate Voter Reg: Yes.

If there is no new household member and no address change reported at the time of the 24B action, there is no need to act on voter registration until either the next qualifying event (new, renew, or move) or the next certification.

5.    Authorized representatives and third parties

Only the person who is the recipient of or applicant for a benefit can answer Yes or No to voter registration, so staff should never be asking an authorized representative about the consumer’s voter registration status.

  • If the authorized representative wants to register to vote themselves, staff can give the authorized representative an SEL 503 voter registration form for their own use.
  • A facility is also not allowed to answer voter registration questions without the consumer present making their own decisions.

When there is a third-party who answers eligibility questions, such as an authorized representative or guardian, and then a worker goes out to see the consumer for an assessment, the voter registration must be offered at the time of the assessment because the consumer is now available.

Anyone the consumer agrees can assist in completing the voter registration form WITH them (not for them) but the preference is for staff to assist. If the form is being verbally translated into another language for the consumer do your best to ask the translator to remain impartial.

  • If it is a staff member helping, please be very careful about not influencing the consumer in any way;
  • If the consumer is not able to choose a political party, please inform them they can mark Not a member of a party and change it later.

Authorized representatives and third parties acting on behalf of a consumer or applicant may be narrated as Voter Reg: N/A. They are the only group who may use the N/A designation.

  • N/A is only appropriate if a staff person will not see or speak to the consumer/applicant at any time during the qualifying event (new benefit, renewed benefit, address change);
  • A consumer or applicant should never have an N/A response because voter registration will always be applicable for them.

If your narration indicates to or with whom staff spoke, it does not need to be reiterated in the voter registration section. If the narration does NOT already include that information, then please state a third-party was acting on the consumers’ behalf. Staff are welcome to type auth rep in those situations instead of leaving the question blank.

6.    Felony convictions

Oregonians with felony convictions have their voting rights restored immediately upon release from custody; this has been true since the mid-1980s.

If an applicant or consumer indicates they are unable to register to vote due to a felony conviction, the staff member should tell them Oregon allows registration.

If the consumer or applicant does not believe the staff person, there is no further obligation. Staff are not to attempt to convince the consumer to register to vote; narrate Voter Reg: NO.

7.    Safety and security concerns for registrants

All information except SSN/ODL provided on the voter registration card is available as a public record. This includes name, date of birth, address, phone number, and political party affiliation.

If the person registering to vote is a victim of domestic violence, or is concerned for their personal safety for any reason and does not want their home address on the voter registration record potentially accessed by the public, workers must offer the SEL 550 Application to Exempt Residence Address from Disclosure as a Public Record to remove their home address information from the public record.

  • The SEL 550 will only suppress the home address of the registrant. If the home and mailing address are the same, both will be suppressed.

The SEL 550 form must be signed by the person who wishes to have their personal information removed from public record to attest the information on the form is true and accurate. The person signing the form must take the completed SEL 550 to the local county elections office in person for processing.

  • The area on the SEL 550 for legal documentation is optional.

8.    Consumer concerns

Consumers or applicants who are concerned, confused by the requirement, upset, or distressed for any reason when staff ask about voter registration, those who want materials in languages other than English or Spanish, or people who just want to talk with someone must be given the MSC 585, Oregon Secretary of State Elections Division Contact Information.

Under no circumstances should staff debate the voter registration process with consumers or applicants. Instead, the MSC 585 provides options for the consumer to reach the state level Elections team who will be happy to hear their concerns and answer all their questions.

  • Oregon Elections cannot provide voter registration forms in any language except English and Spanish. It is entirely appropriate to refer consumer/applicants to the Elections office with concerns related to translation.

The form can be printed from the DHS forms servicer, cut in half, and kept at the front desk, in interview rooms, or in files/bags case managers take into the field.

9.    Non-citizens

Persons who self-identify as non-US citizens are not required to be asked about voter registration.

If a non-citizen asks to register to vote, the worker should in no way prevent or discourage them from completing a voter registration card or tell the person they are not eligible. Treat and narrate voter registration requests from a non-citizen exactly the same as every other person who is a citizen; DHS/AAA is not a voter eligibility agency.

If a non-citizen turns in a completed voter registration card, the worker should in no way prevent or discourage their attempt to register and should not tell the person they are not eligible. Treat and narrate their voter registration exactly the same as every other person who is a citizen.

10.  Audits and reviews

The federal Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Oregon Secretary of State Elections conducts periodic audits of agency voter registration processes to verify every state meets the requirement and intent of the NVRA.

All audits, review, and public records requests are the responsibility of DHS, Oregon Secretary of State Elections, and AAA/APD Central Office; local offices are only requested to cooperate with requests, like all other audits.

Should an auditor or reviewer unexpectedly appear in a local office or a local office receive a request for information, please immediately contact the agency coordinator for guidance:

G. Resources

2018 National Voter Registration Act NVRA Agency Manual

If you would like to have training in your area, contact your program voter registration coordinator. Additional informational resources include:

Voter registration forms:

  • APD 400 – Address Change
  • MSC 585 – Oregon Secretary of State Elections Division Contact Information
  • SEL 500 – Oregon Voter Registration Form for lobbies
  • SEL 503 – Oregon Voter Registration Form with Declination
  • SEL 503A – Spanish language Oregon Voter Registration Card with Declination
  • SEL 503D – Oregon Voter Registration Declination
  • SEL503P – Poster, available through the forms ordering system
  • SEL 504 – Agency Voter Registration Reporting Form
  • SEL 504C – NVRA Site Coordinator Change Form
  • SEL 516 – Envelope for mailing in completed Voter Registration Cards to County Elections Offices from an APD or AAA office
  • SEL 540 – Signature Stamp Attestation
  • SEL 550 – Application to Exempt Residence Address from Disclosure as a Public Record

All voter registration forms are ordered through the FBOS system.